Service Fairness in Spectator Sport: The Importance of Voice and Choice on Customer Satisfaction, pp. 71-78

T. Christopher Greenwell
Eric Brownlee
Jeremy S. Jordan
Nels Popp

This study examines how perceptions of fairness may influence sport spectators’ satisfaction. An experimental design was utilized to determine how voice (whether or not administrators solicit customers’ input) and choice (whether or not customers have a role in making decisions) can alter overall satisfaction/dissatisfaction. Further, this study investigates how financial inputs and the degree to which a customer considers himself/herself a fan may interact with these effects. Researchers collected data from 346 subjects. Each subject received one of eight (2 voice x 2 choice x 2 price) versions of a scenario representing an adverse outcome typical of a university athletic ticket policy. Results revealed the main effects of choice and price each influenced satisfaction, as subjects were less dissatisfied when students had a role in developing the policy and when the tickets were free. Significant differences did not exist for the main effect of voice or any of the interaction effects.