Sport Consumer Behavior: A Test for Group Differences on Structural Constraints, pp. 190-200

Galen T. Trail
Matthew J. Robinson
Yu Kyoum Kim

The focus of this study was threefold: 1) to create a comprehensive list of possible structural constraints to attending a sport event; 2) to create categories of structural constraints; and 3) to determine whether males differed from females and whether attendees differed from non-attendees on structural constraints of sport attendance. Thirteen different structural constraint dimensions were identified from factor analysis. There were significant and meaningful differences by gender. Males perceived that the opportunity for other sport entertainment, and lack of team success, were greater constraints to attending games than females. Females felt that poor weather was a bigger constraint than males. Thus, managers and marketers should show that the game is a better entertainment alternative than other sport events and also realize that if the team is not successful, those who are only spectators will need other incentives to come.