Brian P. Soebbing
Patrick Tutka
and Chad S. Seifried

Sport has been found to be a good empirical setting to examine organizational (Day, Gordon, & Fink, 2012) and labor market (Kahn, 2000) phenomena. One of the most common topics using sport as an empirical setting examines succession of head coaches. Specifically, such research examines the determinants (e.g., d’Addona & Kind, 2014; Frick, Barros, Prinz, 2010; Holmes, 2011) and consequences of head coach succession (e.g., Allen, & Chadwick, 2012; Soebbing & Washington, 2011). These topics formed an active area of sports research over the past five decades since Grusky’s (...Read more

Richard L. Irwin
William A. Sutton

Sales coaching has long been considered one of the most important activities influencing sales performance (Corcoran, Peterson, Baitch, & Barrett, 1995). Despite the importance of sales and sales coaching, limited academic or scholarly attention has been directed toward this topic in sport management. While the inclusion of sales-oriented coursework within sport management curricula appears to be on the rise, limited information has been made available on coaching/teaching methods. Similarly, little content has been published on how sport enterprises select, train, and retain sales...Read more