Ethics and Morality in Sport Management 4th Ed.
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Ethics and morality are generally viewed as critical areas in contemporary sport and need not be limited to such topics as sportsmanship, the use of performance-enhancing drugs, violence and cheating. Those in sport management are responsible for addressing ethical and moral questions pertaining to professionalism, equity, legal and financial management, personnel concerns, governance and policies, league and franchise issues, and matters of social justice associated with all aspects of sport. Sport managers must also be aware of and approach these queries logically, rationally and with sensitivity to ensure the integrity of sport, the sport community and society at large.
Ethics & Morality in Sport Management, 4th edition, presents concepts and theories in ethics and morality and demonstrates their applicability in sport management. While addressed primarily to undergraduate and graduate students interested in the organization and administration of sport, this text is also a practical guide and reference for professionals already in the field, as well as athletes, coaches, franchise owners, journalists, spectators, governmental agencies and others associated with sport. Sport managers must be aware of and concerned about their own obligations, rights and responsibilities, as well as those they influence. As such, nothing short of sound ethical and moral reasoning must inform their managerial decisions and actions. This text aims to make clear the nature of ethics and morality, introducing readers to several major ethical theories, and discussing and analyzing the practical ramifications of these precepts in several sport management contexts.