Review and Adopt
We offer a free 30-day examination period for the current edition of most of our textbooks. You can request an exam copy directly from us, using the instructions below, or request access from our partners, RedShelf and VitalSource to sample the textbook of your choice.
To request an exam copy for review:
- Fill out the Examine Textbook webform.
- Submit the webform. You will receive free access to the eBook for a 30-day review period. No teaching materials are included with review access.
- If you do not wish to adopt the book for your course, do nothing. Access to the textbook expires automatically after 30 days.
To adopt a textbook:
- Fill out the Adopt a Book webform.
- Select the format (paperback or eBook) for your desk copy. If required for class, the desk copy is free.
- Click Submit. You will receive a confirmation email that contains a link to download teaching materials.
Textbook adoption includes:
Desk Copy: When the text is required for the course, or when 10 or more copies of the book are offered through the campus bookstore, the complimentary desk copy in paperback or eBook format is provided free to instructors.
Teaching Materials: Materials include slide presentations, a sample syllabus, and test banks with answer keys. Some titles also include individual and class activities, projects, case studies and discussion questions, and where available, audio or video podcasts. Please follow the steps above to adopt a textbook to receive the download link.
Bookstore Discounts: University bookstores are eligible to receive a discount up to 20% for in-store stock. Contact us to receive the discount code.