Samuel J Zizzi
Samuel J. Zizzi, EdD, CC-AASP, is the Dr. Pat Fehl endowed professor of sport and exercise psychology in the College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (CPASS) at West Virginia University (WVU). He is a certified consultant through the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP), was recognized as a research fellow by AASP in 2012, and was on the United States Olympic Committee’s Sport Psychology Registry. He was twice named the WVU CPASS outstanding teacher of the year (2002, 2014).
Since 2008, Zizzi has served as the principal investigator on a contract with West Virginia’s largest public insurance agency to coordinate the state’s largest weight loss program. In addition to publishing more than 60 journal articles and book chapters, Zizzi serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology and regularly serves as a manuscript or abstract reviewer for AASP and several journals.
Zizzi’s research interests span both sport and exercise psychology. On the sport psychology side, he pursues applied projects related to professional issues (certification, ethics), the psychology of injury, and attitudes towards sport psychology. On the exercise psychology side, his work focuses on health behavior change, primarily related to physical activity promotion and obesity prevention.