NOlympia in Tyrol: Determinants of Voting Behavior in the Referendum for the 2026 Innsbruck-Tyrol Winter Games

This study examines the determinants of voting behavior in the referendum for the 2026 Innsbruck-Tyrol Winter Games. Through the lens of rational choice theory, we investigate the role of proximity, elite endorsements, tourism, environment, and population characteristics using data from all 279 voting communities. The regression results show that supporting the conservative party in the National Council elections, industry emissions, and population instability are positively associated with voter turnout, while supporting the green party and temperature on voting day have a negative relationship. Communities hosting Olympic events, supporting the conservative party, and relying on winter tourism had a significantly higher share of favorable votes, while industry emissions, support for the green party, temperature, financial power, and migration balance had a negative effect. Hence, community residents voted rationally in some respects, but not in others.This study examines the determinants of voting behavior in the referendum for the 2026 Innsbruck-Tyrol Winter Games. Through the lens of rational choice theory, we investigate the role of proximity, elite endorsements, tourism, environment, and population characteristics using data from all 279 voting communities. The regression results show that supporting the conservative party in the National Council elections, industry emissions, and population instability are positively associated with voter turnout, while supporting the green party and temperature on voting day have a negative relationship. Communities hosting Olympic events, supporting the conservative party, and relying on winter tourism had a significantly higher share of favorable votes, while industry emissions, support for the green party, temperature, financial power, and migration balance had a negative effect. Hence, community residents voted rationally in some respects, but not in others.

JEL Classification: D72, L83, Z28