International Journal of Sport Finance Submission Guidelines

Manuscript Submission Guidelines

The purpose of the International Journal of Sport Finance is to provide a forum for the world-wide dissemination of current research on sport finance topics. The objective is to advance knowledge of the topic area by publishing theoretical and empirical papers of the highest quality from a globally diversified and multidisciplinary perspective. Given the foundational contributions of accounting and economics to the domain of finance, research drawn from these basic disciplines pertinent to the sport industry is strongly encouraged. Appropriate topics include stadium economics, team and/or league valuation methods, capital financing techniques, economic impact analysis, public financing, and the financial implications of team operations related to salary control, profit maximization, and tax treatment. Special attention will be paid to papers that examine these topics from a comparative and cross-cultural perspective. The principal criteria by which manuscripts will be judged when deciding to publish are quality, originality, rigor, timeliness, and practical relevance.

Manuscripts are reviewed with the understanding that they have not been simultaneously submitted to any other publication, that they represent the original work of the author(s), and that they have not been published previously either in whole or in part.

How to Prepare the Manuscript

Since manuscripts are evaluated anonymously, author names should not appear anywhere in the manuscript or in the file properties of the submitted manuscript. The submitting author should provide a separate cover sheet listing the following:

  • Manuscript title,
  • The name, rank, institution, and research interests of each author,
  • Authorship order,
  • An email address for each author,
  • Primary author’s mailing address and preferred phone number.
  • If appropriate, identify whether the manuscript is derived from a master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation.

Preface the manuscript with a 150-word abstract, followed by a list of keywords. Manuscripts should be double-spaced with 1.5-inch margins, using an easily readable 12-point font. Manuscripts should not exceed 30 pages, including text, tables, figures, charts, endnotes, and references. Authors should follow the style of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition) to prepare the manuscript and all text, tables, and figures.

The number of tables and figures should be limited to only those necessary to complement the text of the manuscript. It is the responsibility of the authors to obtain permission for the use of copyrighted photos, figures, or tables in the manuscript.

Each table and figure should be prepared on a separate page and grouped together at the end of the manuscript, with each numbered in Arabic numerals and appropriately titled. Figures must be clean, crisp, black-and-white, camera-ready copies at 600 DPI resolution. Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw, PageMaker, and QuarkXPress are the preferred software for creating IJSF figures.

Equations prepared in Word should be saved as separate rasterized image files (TIFF, JPG, PNG) embedded in the appropriate line of text.

The order of the submitted manuscript is as follows:

  • Title page
  • Blind title page (without name(s) and addresses)
  • Abstracts (150 words) with keywords
  • Text (double spaced)
  • Endnotes (if included)
  • References
  • Tables
  • Figures
  • Appendices

Manuscripts submitted to the International Journal of Sport Finance undergo double blind review. Reviewer comments will be returned as soon as practically possible. The journal strives to complete the review process and provide authors with a decision regarding the status of their submission within two months of receiving the manuscript.

All inquiries related to refereed research manuscripts should be directed to:

Jane Ruseski, Editor sends e-mail)  

Disclosure Statements

Each author is required to disclose any conflicts of interest related to the article. Each author must prepare and submit a separate disclosure statement consistent with the following requirements. If an author does not have anything to disclose, the author must affirm this in a statement.

Sources of Financial Support for Publication. Every accepted article must state the sources of financial support for the particular research it describes. If none, that fact must be stated.

Financial Interests. Each author must identify interested parties with whom the author has a significant financial relationship. An author is deemed to have a significant relationship with an interested party when he or she has received financial support of at least $10,000 in the past three years. Financial support includes consultant fees, grants, in-kind support, honorariums, and the like. An interested party is any individual, organization, or entity that has a financial, ideological, or political stake related to the article. See below for funding sources relating to open access.

Affiliations. An author must disclose paid or unpaid positions as an officer, director, or board member of relevant non-profit or government organizations and for-profit entities. A relevant organization is one whose policy positions, goals, or financial interests relate to the article. Disclosure requirements apply to the author and any close family relative of the author, such as a spouse or dependent child.

Failure to disclose relevant information at the submission stage may result in corrective action including, but not limited to, reversal of publication acceptance or publication of a notice in the journal or on the journal’s website that the authors failed to comply with the disclosure requirements identified above.

AI and AI-Assisted Technologies.  Authors bear the responsibility of the accuracy, integrity, and transparency of their work. Thus, use of content generated by artificial intelligence (AI) technology or listing an AI technology as co-author is not permitted. Recognizing, however, that AI technology can provide assistance in compiling data for research, such AI-generated data may be used, provided that authors take full responsibility for all content and attest to factual and citation accuracy; mathematical, logical, and commonsense reasoning and originality of all AI-generated data used or referenced in the work. 

Self-Archiving Green Open Access 

FiT Publishing journals operate under a traditional publication model, financially supported by subscriptions. In fulfilling the mission of the exchange of ideas as part of the International Center for Performance Excellence, FiT Publishing supports Green Open Access self-archiving for authors to fulfill funder and institution research publication requirements.

Authors must disclose the terms of self-archiving requirements that apply to papers submitted for publication in FiT Journals. Authors may self-archive the accepted manuscript after peer review, under the following conditions.

Exceptions and Limitations
  • The self-archived version must be the accepted manuscript after peer review.
  • An embargo period of six (6) months from publication must be observed before self-archiving the accepted manuscript.
  • The accepted manuscript can be self-archived to author(s) institutional repository, or other non-commercial, open access repositories for discoverability, and to the author’s personal website.
  • The accepted manuscript must include a link to the Publisher and its version of record (VOR) by DOI number.
  • FiT Publishing should be attributed as the original place of publication, providing a correct citation.
  • The accepted manuscript should include a CC-BY-NC (Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial) user license.
  • Article Processing Charges (APC) do not apply.