Articles in this issue:

  • Christine M. Brooks
    Kellee K. Harris

    Celebrity athlete endorsement has become a topic of great interest to practitioners, students, and researchers. However, written efforts to explain how, why, and if celebrity athlete endorsement works contain a significant element of wow and hype to ...Read more

  • Steven M. Kates

    Sport Marketing sociology, and consumer research are academic fields of thought that have not yet begun to utilize each others theory, methods, and substantive insights. Yet the disciplines have much in common. The fields recognize and study sport subcultures, draw upon similar literature in sociology and anthropology, and share similar qualitative methodology. This paper focuses upon the socialization debate within sport sociology and demonstrates how some theory and substiantive insights from consumer research yield theoretical insights, and useful, creative perspectives and...Read more

  • Dan Covell

    This column is designed to provide sport marketing academicians and practioners with brief descriptions of professionally relevant articles culled from a broad range of publications. Articles are arranged by subject matter, and listed alphabetically by author. Information regarding subscriptions and the acquiaition of back issues can be found at the end of the column.Read more

  • Donald Getz

    Sport-event tourism is defined and examined through a model of the supply-demand system. Key global trends and issues related to sport-event tourism are discussed, leading to research implications for sport marketers. It is argued that a more comprehensive, systematic research effort is needed to answer key questions such as who is the sport-event tourist, how do various stakeholders value sport-events, what are the potential impacts of sport-events, and how can they be managed? Sport marketers can contribute through traditional marketing research, such as visitor profiles and market...Read more

  • William A. Sutton
    Richard L. Irwin
    James M. Gladden

     In the course of their consulting work, the authors have tested various research approaches, primarily qualitative, to provide a more complete picture of the survey respondent and his or her input. The approaches described in this article have been conduc ...Read more

  • . Christine Green
    Laurence Chalip

    Recruiting and retaining volunteers for sport events and services are fundamentally marketing problems. Successful recruitment of sport volunteeers requires that the volunteer experience be constructed and promoted in terms of benefits that differentiate  ...Read more

  • Christine Brooks

     sports markting recruitmentsport volunteersRead more