Articles in this issue:

  • Craig A. Depken
    Robert J. Sonora
    Dennis P. Wilson

    Emotions can have important effects on performance and economic outcomes. This study examines the behavior of professional athletes involved in a dynamic competition in their own natural environment. We empirically analyze overtime shootouts in the National Hockey League in the context of performance under psychological pressure as initially outlined and tested by Apesteguia and Palacios-Huerta (2010) in international soccer. We find no team-level advantage in NHL shootouts for either the first shooting, second shooting, or home team, suggesting that the influence of pressure is not...Read more

  • Matthias Reiser
    Christoph Breuer
    Pamela Wicker

    This study analyzes the effect of sponsorship announcements on the firm value of sponsoring firms by investigating whether sponsorship announcements have an influence on abnormal returns on share prices. As previous research has neglected sponsorships from different regions and the comparison of sponsorships in different sports, a unique dataset of sponsorship deals between 1999 and 2010 is created (n=629). Using event study methodology the data is analyzed for all sports in general as well as for different sub-samples including soccer, motor sports, and different regions. The results of...Read more

  • Neil Longley

    This paper analyzes the impact of the NHL’s participation in the Winter Olympics on competitive balance outcomes within the NHL. It finds that the post-Olympic performance of NHL teams is negatively related to the number of players that the team supplied to the various Olympic rosters. This is consistent with a notion that participating in the Olympics can induce greater fatigue in players, thereby reducing their effectiveness upon their return to their domestic clubs. This effect was found to be particularly strong for players representing the host country at the Olympics.Read more

  • Ruud H. Koning

    The informational content of odds posted in sports betting market has been an ongoing topic of research. In this paper, I test whether fixed odds betting markets in soccer are informationally efficient. The contributions of the paper are threefold: first, I propose a simple yet flexible statistical test to assess efficiency. Second, this test is applied to fixed odds betting markets in 10 different countries, and multiple seasons. Thereby, the empirical scope of the paper is much wider than that of research published so far. Finally, I examine significance of one variable that has received...Read more