In Pursuit of Satisfaction and Fortification: Stakeholder Perceptions of NCAA Intercollegiate Wrestling Rules and Regulations, pp. 150-159
During the past 25 years, NCAA wrestling has experienced a significant decline in the number of programs offered at the intercollegiate level. Amid the current economic landscape facing intercollegiate athletics, it appears that the only sure way to enhance the longevity of college wrestling is through increased fan support and revenue. The purpose of the research was to survey stakeholders of college wrestling to determine their level of satisfaction with the rules and regulations implemented in NCAA wrestling competitions. Utilizing customer satisfaction theory, a national survey was conducted and completed by 1,095 respondents. Regression analysis is used to examine the impact of age and sport affiliation on group satisfaction with current rules and regulations. In addition, open-ended responses are explored. Results indicate that current stakeholders are not satisfied with many of the current rules and regulations. Significant findings and implications are explored.