Bowling for Dollars: Establishing Perceived Need and Brand Equity in a Participatory Sport
Elliott had spent the previous few weeks in the southeastern United States consulting with different universities on behalf of Red Bull concerning a national promotion titled “the Red Bulletin,” a brand campaign designed to increase brand awareness and brand equity of Red Bull among university students. This particular campaign involved the usage of samples, branded leaflets, magazine distribution, and an interactive campus tour, all signifing Red Bull’s brand identity to university students. Utilizing research he had received from the GenNext Panel, a branded research and student insight tool, Elliott understood university students were 84% more likely to buy a product after receiving a free product trial or samples of it (BNCollege, 2014). As such, Elliott had targeted college students (ages 18-24 years) with this sampling program and campus tour. Yesterday, Elliott witnessed the culmination of his duties for the Red Bulletin project.