Fantasy Sport Usage and Multiplatform Sport Media Consumption Behaviors

Sylvia Chan-Olmsted and Dae Hee Kwak

Previous research suggests that fantasy sport users are avid sport fans and therefore consume more content from media. With a rapidly changing media environment and consumers’ viewing habits, this study sought to investigate the role of playing fantasy sport on sport media consumption across both traditional and new media platforms as well as the type of social media usage before, during, and after the sporting event. Data from a national consumer panel representative of the US adult population (N = 615) showed that fantasy sport consumption enhances the level of media consumption across platforms in general, except for legacy media such as television and newspaper. Research further showed that Twitter, YouTube, and website/blog use before, during, and after the event are robust predictors of fantasy sport consumption while Facebook use is not associated with fantasy sport consumption at all.

DOI: is external)