Sport Management

Pamela Wicker is a researcher and lecturer in the Department of Sports Science at Bielefeld University.

Nicholas Watanabe is an associate professor and the international graduate program director in the Department of Sport and Entertainment Management at the University of South Carolina.

Brian Soebbing  is an associate professor with the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation - Academic Programs at the University of Alberta.

Dr. Emily Dane-Staples is a professor of Sport Management and the Active Learning Fellow at St. John Fisher University in Rochester, NY. In addition to presentations for national and international audiences, she has published in the Sport Management Education Journal, Journal of Sport Behavior, and Case Studies in Sport Management. Her manuscript exploring a two-pronged approach to active learning was awarded the 2019 Best Article of the Year in the Sport Management Education Journal. She has been a Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA) site...

Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador | UPEL · Centro de Investigación Estudios en Educación Física, Salud, Deporte, Recreación y Danza - EDUFISADRED

First Edition | PaperbackeBook

eBook Options:  RedShelf  ...

Dina Gentile, EdD, is a professor of sport management, Esports management, and coaching education at Endicott College, teaching at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Dr. Gentile presents her work on youth sport, Esports management, athletic administration, and sport management nationally and internationally. At the forefront of an emerging field of study, Dr. Gentile launched both an Esports Management minor and major at Endicott College while publishing a first-of-its-kind textbook: ...

Third Edition | PaperbackeBook

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Fifth Edition | PaperbackeBook

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Craig Esherick is an associate professor of sport management at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA. He is the associate director of the Center for Sport Management at Mason and he also works with the U.S. Department of State and their Sports United section on grants that use sport for diplomacy and community building. Esherick is the Mid Atlantic Sports Network's (MASN) prime color commentator for college basketball. In the summer of 2014, he started a three year term as an editor for the Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics (JIIA). Esherick's life...
